AGM December 2020

AGM December 2020

Oct. 14th, 2020 Dear BCUWU Members, This is advanced notice to mark your calendar for the UWU Annual General Meeting. BCUWU AGM – SAVE THE DATE December 8, 20206:00 pmVia  Zoom An agenda will be served with appropriate notice and will include any proposed...
Referendum Result Oct. 2020

Referendum Result Oct. 2020

October 1, 2020 The referendum on our union’s status has ended and we can report that 74% of members who participated in the vote supported the recommendation of the ‘Future Conference’ delegates to remain independent. The Executive Board will be...


Joint UWU and MoveUP Equity Committee Survey  Recent events have brought the issue of racism, especially anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism, to the forefront of much of our work and highlighted the need to accelerate progress on making these...
Referendum Result Oct. 2020


Referendum Results October 1, 2020The referendum on our union’s status has ended and we can report that 74% of members who participated in the vote supported the recommendation of the ‘Future Conference’ delegates to remain independent.The Executive...