We will be having an election for the positions below and the election opens October 13, 2024 at 12:01AM and closes October 15th, 2024 at midnight (12:00AM)

President (2-year term):

  • Mike Fenton – BCGEU
  • Brett Harper – PEA

One (1) Member-at-Large from other UWU units (1-year term -in future this MAL position will be elected in odd years for a 2-year term.):

  • Gail Johnson – CUPE 15
  • Duncan Pike- PEA

Eligible voters will cast their vote by a secret electronic ballot where nominees names will be randomized. Please reach out if you don’t recieve a ballot by Oct 14. 

Congratulations! to the executive members who have been acclaimed:

VP BCGEU Equity (2-year term) 

  • Deki Tsering – BCGEU

One (1) Member-at-Large from the BCGEU Unit (2-year term) 

  • Sonya Sabet Rasekh – BCGEU

Trustee (2-year term)

  • Regan Belan – BCGEU

Trustee (4-year term)

  • Stefanie Ratjen – BCGEU